On last Sunday (2.06.2024) during my visit in Prague I played two games in old, good WFB 6/7th edition. First game I played on Thursday with Ludek in Ogří Doupě – place I know from previous visits and events. Second game I played on Sunday (before we left Prague) with Martin in place I visited first time and I like it – Rubikondeskovny – hope to be there again someday!

Vinohrady – sleeping there, drinking and eating – enjoying Czech cuisine, enjoying WFB with friends from Prague – love this district. About Prague I dedicated few posts and there will be one or more again, as I love this city and it citizens. So long time ago everything I’m in happen after my welcome post on WFB 7th edition group – thank you Archie for answer.

So a Battle for Tatuv Garden begun:

– thank you Martin for great game, hope to play one more – in WFB for sure or maybe I will come to Prague to play on some Old World event.
– our game at the end was DRAW.
– it was great to visit Rubikondeskovny – wish to be there again – thank you Lukas from Rubikondeskovny for great talk. Hope to be there again in next few months.
– thank you Martin for going with us to Florenc – at least some more time on talk and few Czech beers.
– again and again theory that world is small place happend as by „accident” I meet brother of one of my friends and we talked about one other system.

I strongly believe from time I meet Svetlana on old Last.fm friendship can go beetwen borders.